Wednesday, January 21, 2009

birds, birds, birds!!!

I forgot to add in my other entry until I saw the flocks flying by the window..AGAIN. The past two days there have been a multitude of some kind of black bird flying by the windows over and over. They land on the roofs and in the backyards and then start their swirling flight pattern again. IT'S CREEPING ME OUT!!! And there's something in our attic making noise off and on. I think it's birds and some of you know how I feel about birds inside a building!!! Mark stuck his head into the opening and all he could see was insulation. But I can hear them over our bathroom and now over part of our bedroom. Oh Saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....I need youuuuuuuu!!!

These things are really freaky! shudder shudder


~Samantha said...

freezing weather doesn't sound like fun. I think it's supposed to get cold here next week with possible snow flurries but this is all second hand information and I don't care enough to look it up myself :P

my apartment looks really good though :)

Michelle said...

I'm tired of freezing weather but there's a couple more months of it to go.

Sarah :) said...

I'll grab my broom and be right over!!! *hehe*