Friday, January 30, 2009

It's a bright, bright sunshiney day

We still have a foot of snow and it's still COLD but the sun is shining brightly today so it feels like a psychological shot of Vitamin C! The kids had another two hour delay today because of the bus stops being under snow and they don't want kids on the streets in the dark and during rush hour traffic. Once I got Robbie on the bus I was warming up the van so I could escape cabin fever!
I hit the library and returned a couple of books and picked up two more they were holding for me. Then I decided to head into Indy and just walk around Michael's and then Archiver's. First I wandered around the scrapbooking section of Mike's and saw some cute things but nothing that said "BUY ME! BUY ME!" to me. THEN I headed to the dollar spot and I found this (Insert the sounds of angels singing!):

Not the best shot in the world but when you have two dogs trying to "help" you take what you can get! All that was $1 each! Chipboard albums! Rhinestones! Paper packs! Chipboard embellies! Regular stickers! Shiny, glittery stickers! Flowers! Ribbon! (Angelic voices being heard again!) They had four different colors of paper packs and then matching things to go with them as well as four different styles of chipboard albums and paper cut to fit into the albums. I didn't get any of those but they were cute. I COULD have brought a lot more home but I made myself exercise some restraint and keep it under $20!

Then I went by Archiver's to look for the newest Cosmo Cricket papers (they didn't have them and the clerk didn't know if they were getting it or not. I miss having a lss!!!) but I did find some stuff from KI's school line this summer that was half off and some brads in the $1.99 spot. I got stamps and shiny rub-ons that match the paper I bought this summer.

Free books from the library and scrapbooking supplies on's a bright, bright sunshiney day!


Sarah :) said...

You've got me singin' and dancin' in a very Brady kinda way! *haha* "I think I'll go for a walk outside now, the summer sun's callin' me name, I hear it now...."

COOL stuff!! I know what you mean about trying to take pictures of things on the floor that AREN'T your dogs. It's practically impossible.

Krissy said...

Hmm...another place where Molly takes the place of a dog nicely. LOL Getting things I'm trying to take pictures of!

Great finds!

a chick named Toni... said...

Gotta love those great finds!