Thursday, March 26, 2009


I found out this morning that one of my uncles, the oldest of the nine siblings my mom has, had a stroke last night and was brain dead. They removed him off life support and he passed away shortly before noon today. Visitation is this week-end and the funeral is on Monday. Now that we're living closer (2 hours 22 minutes according to the GPS) we're more able to attend these sorts of functions. Not exactly a selling point for living here but it's not like I can blame that on Indiana! The weather is supposed to turn cold and snowy on Sunday too, not great timing for Mother Nature, but is there EVER a great time for something like this?

It will be Katie and Robbie's first funeral, for the others that have happened they either weren't born yet, we were overseas or several states away and were told to not make the trip. Selfish of me to wish that were still the case. I know no one enjoys these things but I just hate feeling hopeless in helping someone who is hurting. And anything I say now will just sound stupid. So I'll just say that my Uncle Bill will be missed and I hope he's with his mom, two youngest brothers and one of his sisters right now.

I'd probably be better off to end this entry at that but there are other kinds of loss too. I know it's inevitable that some friendships will eventually run their course but it's sad when they do and you don't know why. But when there is a group of people I guess it's natural for there to be rifts and splits. Some losses are greater than others but some days they can all feel equally sad to a certain extent. But such is the circle of life I suppose.


Anonymous said...

((Michelle)) I'm sorry you're having to deal with so much stuff. I know your worried about your mom, and I'm sure that even if she never says it, she will appreciate you being there for the funeral. Have a safe trip, I'll be praying for you.

Kelli said...


Love you.

a chick named Toni... said...

Michelle I am sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Love you chickie!