I have become a cookie pusher! I thought about saying a "cookie pushing 'ho" but that just didn't seem appropriate since we're talking about Girl Scouts! Katie's cookie sales numbers took a nose dive this year. Her "customer base" is back in Kansas and it was so cold and snowy during the pre-sale that she didn't get the numbers she wanted. I've been talking to the cookie mom about cookies and other things (yay! an adult to talk to that I'm not married to!) and she told me (and the other parents) that if the troop sells another 80 boxes or so then the numbers average out so each girl gets a t-shirt. Mark's sold some more at work and I sold some at the dentist office. Irony at it's best, isn't it?! lol This morning when I was at the cookie mom's house to pick up some cookies the dentist's office called my cell to say I could come in early. I told them I was at the cookie mom's house and would go straight to their office from there. Then without even thinking I asked "So does anyone there need more cookies?!" I sold two more boxes! The c.m. and I were laughing and I said "I used to be a quiet, reserved person, honest!" We talked about how we go out of our comfort zones for our kids. Ain't that the truth?!
Now I feel like I should get a trench coat like that old character, Lefty the Salesman, on Sesame Street who was always trying to sell Ernie a letter. Except my line would be "Pssssssst! Hey kid, wanna buy some cookies?!"
You have truly stooped to new lows . . . . hitting up the dentist office. I love it!!!!!!! Classic!!!
One woman there did ask for a box of lemon cookies last week and then two more women bought some cookies. I only got a sale from the husband dentist yesterday and of course it was for the sugar free cookies! LOL Isn't it amazing the lengths you'll go to for your kids?! LOL
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