No, no jigs being done here, I'm too exhausted! I had a GREAT time this week-end! My only complaint is that it went way too fast! (Well I could complain about some of my traveling companions but I won' least not today! lol I WILL say, however, that good personal hygeine is NOT optional when you're going to be sealed into small planes with others, people!!!)
It was good to be with Sam all week-end. And it was good to be with my friends at Get Scrappy. I had so much fun and I laughed like I haven't in a looooooooong time! Yes, there were even some of the snorting laughs too! I'm sure that others wouldn't find as funny as we find ourselves and some of the stuff we laughed at might not even make sense to others but we have "great stories that we should tell at parties"!
I don't have the official tally yet but they announced that it was at least $10,000 for the Women's Crisis Center and that's even in a down economy! It was astounding to see the show of hands of people who have been touched in some way by domestic violence and reading Crystal's story (the woman who inspired Linda and Mary to start Get Scrappy) on her "silent witness" provided by the YWCA brought tears to my eyes. I imagine many of us have stories but that's for another day and time. I just can't go there today!
I know I've whined about the move A LOT in the past. So when I say the following I should feel like I should first state a disclaimer! I've accepted the fact of the move and I'm not boo-hooing over it anymore but that said Wichita just feels like HOME when I'm there. Maybe someday the Indy area will but I'm just not there yet. I know things would have changed if we were still there since I'd would have lost my job when all the other "garden refugees" did in October but it still feels like home to me the two times I've been back to visit since moving. All my little birdies would be in the same general nest and I'd have my friends closer too. But I know they're just a phone call or e-mail or Facebook comment away! Not the same as living near each other but it's better than nothing! I was blessed to get that job almost four years ago. Not because of the place but because of the co-workers who became friends. What a great week-end I had with them!
Once I'm over the "traveling tireds" I'll blog some more about it all!
I'm glad you had a good time, Michelle!
It was nice to see you again, Michelle!!!
Your "Random" sign picture works PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!
It was really good to see you Michelle! The snorting was good! I love the "random" photo!
Sarah, I wonder who gave me that great idea???? ;-)
Kim, I'm glad we ran into you at Scrapfunattic. Sorry you didn't get to come play though!
Toni, it was great seeing you and getting those great pick-up lines from you!
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