Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas! and other ramblings

First I want to say a very Merry Christmas to everyone and anyone who reads my ramblings! I know the weather is wreaking havoc on many travel plans so I hope everyone is able to be where and with whom they want to be this holiday!

We're getting rain right now. I'm afraid of how icy things will be again once the temps drop again. Yesterday afternoon we got ice. It was like a fine glaze had been laid down on everything. There were wrecks all over the metro Indy area (including two fatalities--always sad but especially so with the holiday). It took Mark three times as long as it normally does to get home from work. He said once he got off the interstate the cars were going so slow that the speedometer wasn't even registering. We do not have much of an incline to our driveway but it was enough that Mark couldn't just drive the car right up. I kept hearing these weird noises so I looked out the window and saw him coming into the driveway and then sliding back into the street over and over! It was kind of funny! Then Sam and I both thought there was going to be no tread left on the one front tire so I convinced him to use the yard for traction so half the car sat in the yard and half on the driveway last night. This morning I-69 was closed due to the large number of accidents on it because of the ice so he had to find an alternate route to work. There were still accidents going on this morning including a 20 car pile up in Indy. They're saying tomorrow will be dry but very cold and then Friday and Saturday A LOT OF RAIN and the weatherman was commenting on how there's nowhere for more rain to go. Maybe time to start building an ark?

But for now we'll just get ready for Santa to make his arrival and our traditional Christmas Eve feast of delivery pizza! The kids, Robbie especially, are sad that my parents won't be here this year. My mom is in physical therapy for a bad back and the trip here at Thanksgiving about did her in. So this year it will just be the five of us (seven if you count the dogs!) celebrating. Sounds like a perfect jammie day tomorrow if you ask me!

Merry Christmas everyone!


Krissy said...

Merry Christmas Michelle! And to all your family!!! I hope you all stay safe in the junky weather!

jeanne said...

Merry Christmas and happy jammie day! Stay safe.

a chick named Toni... said...

I hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas! That ice story brings back memories of a few years ago here! I hate ice.

Did santa bring everything you wanted?

Michelle said...

After bouncing my head off the parking lot at Scrapbook Garden I hate ice too! It starts to ice up and I can hear the "boing" off my head bouncing up and down and Mary yelling my name! LOL

I just wanted all my kids under one roof for Christmas and I got that so I did get what I wanted!