Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Celtic Thunder and 39 Clues

You gotta love PBS fund drives! Now the people coming on the screen in the middle of the shows pleading for money is not loads of fun but they bring out some really good shows during this time frame. Earlier in the year Mark and I saw a video of The High Kings, an Irish group, and really enjoyed it. Well this time around Katie has discovered the Celtic Thunder and is in love! Primarily because of the youngest member of the group who is in his teens! She watched the show on tv and then saw it was on again and begged us to DVR it and she's already watched it a few times since this week-end! I think all three of my children have inherited my ecclectic musical tastes and I love it! Katie doesn't know it yet since she's still at school but I downloaded the Celtic Thunder's first album from iTunes today. They have a second one out now but I didn't see it on iTunes yet.

Any of you with kids in school may have heard of the newest book series craze, The 39 Clues. Robbie finally got his copy of the first book from a book order at school. Last night he had a Cub Scout event about a half hour from the house. He read that book by flashlight all the way there and all the way back! And then stayed up reading longer than he should have. He's not reading as much as he used to so it makes me happy to see him so excited over a book! Ssssh....he doesn't know it but he's getting the second book for Christmas!

We're such a cultural lot this week!


~Samantha said...

Your eldest daughter answered phones for a PBS fundraiser in Wichita a few years ago...

Mark Regan said...

It's nice that you and your kids realize the difference between head-banging and rap music and great Celtic Thunder music.

Now the challenge is to get their friends interested too, and to form a Tunderheads group in your "corner of the world."

You might get your parents to tell them the story about the Beatles, how they "invaded" the US in the 1960s and stole the hearts of all the girls, and how much BETTER in every respect Celtic Thunder is than the Beatles, both as role models and as performers. (And you females would also say they're "cuter" too.)