Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snowy Saturday

I'm watching the snow coming down and listening to the neighbor's yappy dog yap about being stuck outside in it. Poor thing is probably afraid he/she will be buried and never seen again! Belle and Daisy used to have to rush outside when they heard the neighbor dog yapping, "We're missing all the action, woman, open the door already!". Now they barely move an ear when they hear it. "Oh, it's just them again."

Katie's a little sad that the snow is coming down so heavily on a Saturday and they're missing the opportunity for a snow day. They only go for half a day on Wednesday (some teacher workshop thing) and in two weeks they're out for Christmas and New Year's. When I reminded her of that I got "But Mom....a SNOW DAY!" And I get what she means. There's just something about that bonus day off where everything you do seems just a little bit more special because normally you wouldn't be able to do it on that day.

This is the first Saturday in awhile that we don't have company or have something on the calendar. I thought about going out to get all the "donation gifts" that the kids scout troops and/or classrooms have requested but I may just kick back today and watch the snow. No point in making cookies this early because they'd be gone by Christmas. I could make nut clusters but we'll have to see how the day pans out. I probably should address Christmas cards today but we'll see.


a chick named Toni... said...

Are you making your Christmas cards this year? I am thinking about working on that this weekend.
We are getting our Christmas tree on Friday. Do you have yours up yet?'s a thought to cure some winter you have Netflix? You should sign guys would love it!

~Samantha said...

we don't have snow here...yesterday it was in the 60s I think and today it's freezing but still no snow