Three days in a row I've blogged now. I hope certain people have noticed! ;-)
I gave Katie the last of the nighttime cold medicine last night because she needed it worse than I did but I woke up with a nasty sinus headache. Eh, we're supposed to hit 70 today so I'm sure that will help it go away quickly!
Minor complaint, and I know it is so minor in the scheme of all we've been dealing with with the boy, but I wish we could go just one morning where I didn't have to keep repeating directions over and over just to get him ready for school! " your milk....drink your milk.....brush your teeth.....have you brushed them yet......get dressed.....have you changed yet....what are you doing in there and why are you still in your pajamas......etc...etc....etc" I think it's just bothering me more this morning because of the stupid headache. I'm glad the medicine for the ADD seems to kick in by the time school starts but there are mornings I wish I had woke him up around 4 am just to take the medicine and then have him go back to sleep until it's time to get ready for school! Hey, I never claimed to be mom of the year!
Robbie mentioned something about my flamingo marionette (see what I mean about focusing on getting ready for school?! lol) this morning. I'm grateful to him though because it sparked an idea to expand upon my Christmas card idea! Heeheehee....when we bought the house in Kansas (I still miss that house! sigh) I had flocks of flamingos arriving from all over the U.S. So now I think.......well, I don't want to ruin the surprise!
My three things.......
1. My quirky kid that inspires me even when he's driving me around the bend!
2. Our 13 yo Belle the Heinz 57 variety of pooch. She's an "old lady" now but she still likes to be in the same room with one of us at all times. I was so sick when I was pregnant with Katie and Belle would curl up next to me as I just laid there on the bathroom floor since there was no point in leaving the bathroom at that point! She can't see or hear as well as she used to but she still likes to position herself so she'll notice movement and can haul herself up to follow us to the next room.
3. My husband--who will get up and make me and the kids brownie sundaes during the Biggest Loser without commenting too much on the irony!
1 comment:
I noticed!!! I did! Hooray! I love the quirky kid comment. It's so true,
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