Friday, October 23, 2009

Freaky Friday

We had a tanker truck explode on the interstate yesterday. The amazing thing is no one died and there were only a few non-life-threatening injuries. The pictures on the news and in the paper (you could try or if you want to see) make you wonder how anyone survived it. It happened where I-69 and I-465 come together here on the northeastside so now we'll have to find some alternate routes to get into downtown Indy for awhile. It happened on an underpass so they have to check the bridge structure stability before anyone can drive on it. That's the big local news.

Personal news....I'm feeling frustrated and worn out this morning so instead of griping I'm going to my three things and wishing you all a fabulous Friday!

1. Leaf rain--you know that sound leaves make as their skittering across pavement....I love that sound!

2. the fact the overnight downpour of actual rain, no leaves, seems to have abated long enough for me to walk the boy to the bus stop in a few minutes!

3. alone time--everybody needs it every once in awhile.


jeanne said...

Love leaf rain. Perfect description. Perfect sound.

a chick named Toni... said...

thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! sending you some sunshine! take care M!

Kelli said...

How your Freaky Friday is now Sunny Saturday!