After what feels like months of constant rain and no sunshine we have a cold but SUNNY morning! It definitely rained basically non-stop from Thursday morning until late last night so maybe not months but it felt like it! It was supposed to stop around noon yesterday but apparently the front stalled out. The guys' scout den decided not to camp out last night (I'm not sure the tent stakes would stay in the saturated ground anyway!) but they went up to the "event" this morning and plan to stay the whole day and maybe the night too. So at least they got to stay warm and dry last night!
It's just me and Katie today since the guys are gone and Samantha's at work. I HAVE to vacuum since it hasn't been done in over a week thanks to the flu and I bet there's probably 10 pounds of dog hair in the carpet! But after that I think I may just play with my scrapping supplies today! I say that and always get distracted but today I'm going to try to stay on crafty task!
My interview lasted for 45 minutes so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I don't think it was a slam dunk but I think I still have a good shot. I'm not sure how many others they're interviewing or when they're planning on making a decision. Two good questions I SHOULD have asked but didn't think about until I was driving home! Those nerves I said I didn't have started hitting the closer the Garmin told me I was getting yesterday morning! The fact I don't have actual banking teller experience isn't helping since my credit union days was back office but I stressed I did have face to face interaction with people there and also said "If you can help a mother of the bride whose daughter has decided at the last minute she wants handmade invitations to her wedding stay calm and have her leaving the store happy then you can deal with just about anything!" And I think I answered some of their questions in a good way if I'm any good at reading faces! We'll see and if nothing else I survived my first job interview in over five years! Almost four years at the Garden and then a year, doesn't seem that long!
There's a website by Jessica Sprague that my lil dinosaur here would just lock up on if I tried to use. (I think I got the name right, Jeanne, Kelli or Marg can correct me if I'm wrong!) Apparently one of the things they're doing on that website now is listing three things you're thankful for each day. I saw Jeanne's been doing that so I'm going to do that too. I think it's a good exercise to help keep a body out of the "dark and twisty" place! So here goes:
1. The sun shining today! This morning I picture this cartoon sun out there wearing his shades just beaming away at us all!
2. The fact I got a job interview. Even if I don't get the job (though I hope I do!) I'm thankful that something I said in my application and phone interview made me seem interesting and smart enough to get the in person interview. You spend days just thinking of yourself as someone's mom or wife and you'll get that!
3. I'm grateful that I AM someone's wife and someones' mom! Even on the days I want to go screaming into the night with car keys in hand I always come back to being eternally grateful that I have them all!
I will keep you in my prayers Michelle! Can't wait to hear how this turns out!
They'll be a passel of dumb bunnies if they don't hire you!!!
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