It's Tuesday afternoon and I still haven't heard either way about the job. If only they'd come to my blog or Facebook page they'd see from some of my friends that I'd make a good employee! Hmm, do you think we'll get to the point where you really can get referrals right off of Facebook??? Sort of an enterprising yet scary thought at the same time!
Robbie had a good appointment yesterday! I'm always nervous about celebrating the good things because I feel like the fickle hand of Fate is just ready to smack me down for daring to announce any joy! Hey, if you really know me then you understand and are not at all surprised by that fact! ;-) Robbie has been drawing comic books for a few months now. It came up yesterday during his appointment and we asked him what "the thought" would be called and look like as a super villian. He came up with Super Stinky and drew a picture for the therapist. She gave him "homework" of drawing out a story of Super Stinky being defeated. I think we may have finally found something that will make him believe he IS strong enough to "talk back to the OCD". I hope and pray so anyway!
I'm part of a group of women that I "met" online that sounds around a book box. We use a priority box so it's the same shipping for everyone and then when each person gets the box they take out the books that look interesting to them and in turn put in their old books to refill it. I got that box today! Always a good mail day when you get books! I have so many paperbacks I need to read from the last time they came around and some my mom gave me in the spring. I need to avoid the library for awhile and catch up on them but I just can't seem to do that! Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE books?!?!? lol
I've also kicked around a Christmas card idea using my Cricut. Haven't tried to make a prototype yet but I have an idea in my head after seeing some cards online. I'm taking bits and pieces of other ideas for mine, it won't be fancy but hopefully those that get it will like it! (assuming I get them finished!) After having a family member laugh and tell me I had too much time on my hands after sending out handmade cards one year I don't send handmade cards to everyone. It's a little disheartening when you craft something and you feel it's not appreciated!
So my three things today.....
1. I'm thankful for Robbie's great and funny mood yesterday and this morning! Even if I could have waited for the one joke he told last night until AFTER supper! lol
2. I'm thankful for books, those who write the books and the LIBRARY!
3. And I'm thankful for the two guys at Mike's Car Wash that saw how muddy the wheel wells on the van were after the "boys" scout trip this week-end and they worked on cleaning them for me even though I didn't pay for the Deluxe wash! Sometimes it's the smallest thing that can make a person's day!
Oh, I so agree. Sometimes it IS the smallest thing that makes ones day.
I love your list! It's perfect!
I think you are right about people not appreciating handmade cards. I am so proud of you for thinking about Christmas cards already! I wanna see what ideas you me! PS...Haley and I watched Steel Magnolias yesterday!
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