Thursday, February 26, 2009

questions of the day

1. Why is it in a house with 2 1/2 baths and 4 people I found myself putting new toilet paper on the roll in all bathrooms this morning? The odds say I should have only had to maybe change one. 3 toilet paper rolls--4 people--only ONE person should have been spared that chore not THREE!

2. How is it I did three loads of laundry yesterday and the hamper is already full today?

3. Why is my husband is the one who skipped the last dental cleaning appointment before we moved while I went to mine but I'M the one who was told she has a new cavity today? It's becoming apparent to me that I should never go to Vegas because the odds are definitely NOT in my favor!

4. How can I be on antibiotics for 3 1/2 days and still feel like crapola? I guess it's upgraded crapola but still not where I'd like to be at this point.

These are the questions weighing on my mind this afternoon. Jack Handy and his Deep Thoughts don't have anything on me!


Sarah :) said...

I found this post particularly amusing when I went back and read all the questions in a Jack Handy voice. *hahaha*

Kimpossible said...

I feel your pain sister, I often have the occasion to ask these same types of questions at my house. LOL.

Being a wife and mother is NOT for the faint of heart!!! LOL