Monday, February 23, 2009

I gave in

After almost two weeks of feeling cruddy and waking up this morning in pain and feeling like trying to think was like pulling cotton balls out of my head I gave in and called the doctor. What started out as a viral infection as now become a sinus infection so now I have an antibiotic and some cough syrup with codeine in it so I can sleep once again! I miss sleep! I've had a non-stop headache for several days that the doctor said is probably from a culmination of little sleep, coughing and packed sinuses. Hopefully soon this will all be just an ugly painful memory!
It was a scouting activity filled week-end. Saturday afternoon was Robbie's Blue and Gold Banquet and right after that was Katie's Father/Daughter Dance. Yesterday Robbie's den went bowling while Katie was hawking Girl Scout cookies at a local grocery store with other girls from her troop. Busy, busy, busy!

Robbie and Mark with Robbie's patch that I can't remember the name of!

Mark and Katie before the dance. The dress had skinny straps and Katie wouldn't let me take a picture of her without the wrap that we bought separately on! Let's hope she keeps that modesty as she moves into the teen years! I don't think the picture does her or the dress justice. She was very cute that night!


Sarah :) said...

I am very glad you went to the doctor. I hope the stuff you're taking will kick this crud! I hate that you've been so sick for so long. :(

Ok, Robbie is stinkin' adorable in his scouts uniform. And when the heck did Katie start looking so old? *haha* She looks beautiful...I am proud of her for being modest. That is certainly not the norm these days. Good for her (and good for her awesome parents). :)

Anonymous said...

Yay, you gave in!! I sure hope that the drugs work quickly and you're out of pain soon.
I just can't believe how grown up Katie is looking! ::sniff:: she's getting all growed up. She looked really cute in that dress!

a chick named Toni... said...

I second Sarah! I am glad you went to the doc too!

The kids look great! What would we do if we didn't have so many activities with them?