Thursday, October 16, 2008

Morning conversations in my house

Now that K & R are in different schools their schedules are such that I get some alone time to gab with each one in the morning before the big yellow bus comes lumbering down the street to gobble'em up each school day. Sometimes, especially in the case of the PRETEEN (a breed all its own!), the gab sessions are full of 'tude and eye rolling and the occassional stomp stomp stomp up the stairs. Sometimes they are full of goofiness and giggling. There are those dawdling mornings where the gabbing seems to primarily consist of me saying "Have you done x, y and z yet? Well, hurry up! The bus will be here soon!" Then there are the mornings that will actually leave the child in question speechless and if you knew my children you would know how rare an occurence that is!

Yesterday morning was one of those mornings. The BOY was telling me that he had read there was a new Mario (as in Mario Brothers) game coming out and that it was the "last ever Mario game they're making". Then he says "Well Mario is OLLLLLLLLD." I looked at him and asked "So, I'M old?"

The boy: "I didn't say that!"

Me: "Well, I'm older than Mario."

The boy, chewing on his lip and looking around the room like he was trying to find an escape route marked out in neon lights, "Huh."

Gotta find the humor when you can! lol

1 comment:

Sarah :) said...

I can just picture his cute li'l face. "Uh...WHOOPS!"

Now if he starts calling Sonic the Hedgehog "old", he and I are gonna have words. ;) YAY Sega! *hahaha*