Sunday, January 10, 2010

trials, training and tests

I spent this past week in "school". The bank has a training center in Greenwood which is south of Indy...I am northeast of that meant driving in rush hour traffic to and fro all week. Just on a typical week I wouldn't be making that drive every day to a job! Too many crazy people out there driving like they're in the 500! But throw in the snowstorm that hit Thursday morning as rush hour was picking up and you get oodles of joy and fun...NOT! There were part of I-465 where you could not see the road nor tire tracks of the vehicles in front of you. It basically looked like a white field out there and not a highway. A drive that had been taken me roughly 45-50 minutes to make took two hours that morning. By the time I got to the training center I had a splitting headache and a ton of body aches from being tense and clenching the wheel. No gouda as we say around here!

But the good news is I aced my test even after feeling like the stupidest person alive on Tuesday. I was fighting tears driving home Tuesday and the only thing that kept me from saying "Curse it (not what I was actually thinking!), I'm quitting." was the whole setting an example for my kids thing! Don't you hate how often that can come around to bite you in the butt?! But I maintained and got through the course. I don't think, however, that the test is a good indicator of knowledge learned in that class! Most of the 50 questions are worded in a way that makes the answer more than obvious! But I aced it all the same. This week I go to a different branch than the one I'm assigned to so I can work with a "mentor". I'm told the guy I'm assigned to is a "real whiz kid". Great, another situation to make me feel like an idiotic dinosaur! Can't wait! cough cough. But I'll be working three full time days and then I guess if I pass that then the following week I'll start part time at my branch. I'm ready for it to be a year from now and all this being routine! Not that I want to rush the year but I just want the comfort level already!

I'd also like a maid but that's another story....


jeanne said...

Of course you aced the test. Where do you think Robbie got his smarts from???!?!

It will all feel better soon and just think, soon you will be helping the newbie!!

a chick named Toni... said...

Good for you on the test! You hang in there lady! You will do great!