Thursday, August 7, 2008

Here I am!

Ok, since Jeanne has told me that myspace doesn't count here I am in blogger-land! Yet another thing to confuse me and suck away my time on the computer. Like I need another distraction!

I'm a recent transplant to the Indy area. Once my husband retired from the USAF in 2005 I thought we'd be planting some roots in Kansas. I guess we were only temporarily planted because now we're here in Indy for his new job. To say I was unhappy about the move MIGHT be an understatement. ;-) I hated leaving my oldest behind at college, hated leaving my job and the friends there that made it a tad less crazy and I might not have hated leaving behind being a girl scout c0-leader so much but I did hate leaving my friend and leader! After two months it's safe to say I'm adapting, I still miss Wichita like heck but I'm not feeling hacked off about it like I was. And now the urge to throw the kids into the van and head west on I-70 has pretty much diminished! A fact that my huband may or may not be happy to hear! lol

Ok, I feel like I'm writing a report on what I did for summer vacation! I have the crud and just got some prescriptions so I could start to ramble so I wrap up this first entry by saying in additon to my family and two dogs I love to read, scrapbook and take far too many pictures! I have so many talented friends who also blog (Jeanne, Kelli, Toni, Nikki to name a few) and post their art online. I'm not sure my stuff measures up but I'm sure I'll post some of it anyway! Right now I'll attempt to leave you with a favorite photo I took this summer. We met up with my parents and my brother and his family in Sandusky, OH at the Great Wolf Lodge last month. There's a shot of Robbie coming out of one of the tubes that I just love!

He was nervous about them at first but after he went on one with Mark we couldn't keep him away from them!


Kelli said...

Welcome to BLOG WORLD!!!!!!! YAY! I can't wait to see your artwork, and all the other goodies you will be posting!

Feel better soon!

jeanne said...

Waaaaaaaaa, Kel beat me to the first post. But that's OK. Hooray for Michelle. You're going to love it.

~Samantha said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for taking the plunge!

Nikki said...

OMG! I am so glad that you have started blogging, now we can keep in touch a little easier. I can't wait to give you crap about you not posting. LOL!!!

a chick named Toni... said...

YAHOOOOOOOOOOO! This is so exciting. Now we just need to con Mary into starting one!

jeanne said...

"Ok, since Jeanne has told me that myspace doesn't count"

Oh, I am sooooo mean! Aren't you glad!?!?!?! Hee hee hee. I knew you would be great at this.