Monday, March 29, 2010

Home again, home again...

but I'm too tired to do any jiggity jigs. And a headache decided to join me yesterday morning and hasn't decided to leave just yet. Some guests just don't know when they've overstayed their welcome!

I had a great time traveling with my oldest young'un this week-end and seeing all my scrappin' peeps back in Wichita! There are people there that I miss greatly and I'm sure I always will. Working with some of them was really like working with family, things weren't always sunshine and roses but all in all we worked well together, knew and accepted each other's little quirks and STILL liked each other! Where I work now is good too but it's a different environment being a bank and not a store where you can get creative so the atmosphere is understandably different. Not as many occassions to break out in boy band dance moves or to quote movie lines incessantly! lol

But with all that said I think that, after almost two years here, it's finally hit me that this is really now our home. Floating around in the back of my head was that after the three years Mark would have to work here so we wouldn't have to pay back any moving money that maybe, just maybe, he could get his old job back in Wichita. I've associated so many negative things that have happened to this move, some probably less fairly than others. I still have flares where I take issue with how it all went down but it is what it is at this point. Moving back to Wichita isn't going to make Robbie's "issues" go away, it won't make Samantha's life any easier and I definitely wouldn't be getting my old job back! And Katie hit the ground running here and I doubt we'd be lucky enough to have it happen in reverse too. I don't think the job here for Mark was as big a bonus as he envisioned. The cost of living is definitely higher here so the extra money in the paycheck is a wash but he tells me that there's more chances for advancement here. If that makes him happy in his work life then I have to accept that. It's time to try to force some roots in Indiana.

Samantha had her own revelations this week-end. We both are full of conflicting emotions right now but we both agreed that growing up is sometimes "pretty sucky". ;-)


Anonymous said...

yay for you!
It is much easier to have the military telling you 'you have to move' than taking the plunge and making that decision yourself-I'm happy for you that you're coming to terms with Indiana. :-)

Michelle said...

It IS easier when the military says it's time to move! When you make the decision yourself, or if others make it and hope you go along with it , then there's so much more second guessing yourself for some reason.