Friday, August 14, 2009

Just some pic-a-tures

Robbie, Samantha and Katie at the local state park

See the little bug on the petal?

Me Tarzan....

You Jane!

It doesn't seem to be showing well here but you could see the clouds reflecting in the water that day. Sort of a Monet feeling going on!

I wanted to tweak this one but the editing software that came with the camera is limited but that was one humongous spider web!!!


a chick named Toni... said...

Beeeeutiful pictures! Thank you for sharing! Love the monet moment...I do see the clouds!

jeanne said...

love the lily pad. Gorgeous. But Tarzan and Jane crack me up. Brings back great memories. Thanks

Anonymous said...

LOVE that lily pad picture! That's a blow and up and frame it one :-)
Looks like they had fun!